Awarded to

Adult Recognition Awards 2020

01 Aug 2020

Scouts Australia (SA Branch) would like to recognise the outstanding achievement and contributions to the Scouting Movement, of Leaders and Supporters of Scouting who have been awarded Adult Recognition Awards on 1 August.


Join Scouts 2020

10 Dec 2019

Vacancies exist for Scouting in 2020! Come and join in our adventure!


The adventure continues!

10 Dec 2019

Do you have the post AJ2019 Blues? There is plenty of adventure still to be found!



Glossary of terms


Sound like the Scouts and Leaders are talking another language? This might help!

Achievement Badges
A series of Award badges for Cub Scout Section covering a variety of different skill sets or activities

Assistant Cub Scout Leader

Fee payable to Scouts Australia to become 'affiliated' as a member

Australian Jamboree

Assistant Joey Scout Leader

Title traditionally given to the Leader in Charge of a Cub Scout Pack, still in very common usage worldwide

Assistant Patrol Leader

Armstrong Airfield
Scouts Australia (SA Branch) Air Activities Campsite located near Blanchetown in SA's Murraylands

Assistant Scout Leader

Australian Scout Medallion
The highest Scouting Achivement for a member of the Scout Section (10-15 yrs)

Scouting name commonly given to an Assistant Cub Scout Leader

Scouting name commonly given to an Assistant Cub Scout Leader; the character was a bear who was a friend to Mowgli in the Jungle Book [see also Jungle Book]

Be Prepared
The motto of the worldwide Scout Movement

Small wooden beads that symbolise a Leaders completion of Woodbadge Training

An action performed in navigation, in which the direction of a fixed point is plotted against the degrees of a compass

A small pot for boiling of water or cooking

Core Part of the Cub Scout Award Scheme, exists on three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold - aimed at 8, 9 and 10 yr old Cub Scouts respectively

Booting Out
A term used to describe the departure of a Rover Scout from the Rover Crew on reaching the maximum age for the Rover Scout Section (26yrs) [see also Rovers]

Baden Powell, the founder of the World Scout Movement

BP Award
The peak award for Rovers (18-26 age Group)

Geographic sub-sections of Scouting across all of Australia. Divided by State borders

Branch Commissioner
Individual Leader in Charge of a specific section of the Scout Movement in each State

Branch Hike
An annual hike event conducted for all Scout Troops by SA Branch

BRC Branch Rover Council'
the peak body for Rovers in SA [see Rovers]

Buddy System
A arrangement where Scouts in a group will team up and watch out of one other particular Scout, thus being their 'buddy' - used in hiking/swimming etc

Camp Blanket
A blanket onto which a Scouting person sews a collection of badges

Camp Chief
The leader in charge of a large camp or a Jamboree

Camp Gadgets
Items built in a camp enviroment to make life more comfortable, made out of natural material eg: small tables/washing stands etc

A gathering of Scouts around a fire for fun, song and fellowship

Campfire Chief
The leader in charge of a campfire. In effect, a Master of Ceremonies

Camp Oven
A large cast iron cooking pot, traditionally used to cook in hot coals

Certificate of Merit
A Long Service Merit Award given to Leaders

Challenge Hill
Obstacle Course located at Woodhouse Scout Activity Centre [see Woodhouse]. Also a generic name for a Jamboree Obstacle Course

Charge Certificate
Certification by Scouts Australia (SA Branch) for various types of water activities (sometimes referred to simply as a 'Charge')

Scouting name commonly given to an Assistant Cub Scout Leader

Floor markings found in a Scout Hall for use by Cub Scouts. Walking across the circle is forbidden during a ceremony

Code of Conduct
A stated code of expected conduct that applies to all Adult Leaders within Scouts Australia. Groups/Troops may have their own Code of Conduct

Cohen Cup
SA Branch Scout Section annual camping competition, conducted in Patrols to test Scouts camping ability and Scouting skills, generally held every September

Comedy Capers Gang Show
A stage show put on by Scouts in South Australia on a yearly basis

A position within Scouting that manages a program or major sub-section of the Organisation

A group of Scouts from a particular Branch who are traveling interstate or overseas for a Scouting event

Contour Lines
Lines on a map used to mark areas of common elevation, thus allowing steepness of terrain to be read

The title given to an organised group of Rovers [see Rovers]

Cub Scout Leader

A gathering of a large number of Cub-Scouts to have fun and do activities; similar to a Jamboree but on a much smaller scale and generally only with a Regional focus [see also Cub Scouts]

A term used to describe a member of the Cub Scout Section (aged 8-11 yrs)

Traditional Australian bush bread, made of plain flour, salt and water - cooked on hot coals and served with butter, jam and possibly golden syrup

An office for Leaders or a special place for a Scout Patrol or a special place for a Venturer Unit

Dilly Bag
Bag in which plates, and cutlery are kept

Dining Shelter
A canvas shelter with open sides specifically used by Scouts for cooking and eating together

Diploma of Leadership
An accredited training scheme offered by Scouts Australia to all its leaders as part of the Leadership training

Distinguished Service Award
An award given to persons for their long and sustained excellent contribution to Scouting

A geographic area that contains about 4-8 Scout Groups

District Commissioner
The Leader in charge of a geographic area that contains about 4-8 Scout Groups

District Team
Leader Team of the District, headed by a District Commissioner [see District; District Commissioner]

Dob Dob Dob
A call  that used to be given by Cub Scouts as part of the Grand Howl; traditionally given in response to the 'Dyb Dyb Dyb' call by the entire Pack'; meaning 'We'll Do Our Best' [see also Grand Howl; Dyb & Sixer]

Easter Venture
An annual event for Venturers that is competitive

The middle level part of the Australian Scout section award scheme signified by the colour blue

Family Camp
A camp, generally run by an entire Scout Group, in which all members of each family, Scouting members or not, are welcome to attend

Field Signals
Signals leaders makes with the arms and hands to give instructions without the use of voice. The most common one in Scouting is the Scout Sign when used to request quiet or attention in a meeting room.

Flag Break
A ceremony in which the flag is unfurled for the day, usually early in the morning

Fleur de Lis
Universal Scouting Symbol, normally surrounded by a circle of rope featuring a Reef Knot at the bottom. French in origin, also sometimes written as 'Fleur de lys'

A top cover for a tent, designed to keep moisture away from the inner tent itself

Flying Fox
A pulley with a handle on a long taut rope on which Scouts 'ride' for fun

Gang Show
A stage show put on by Scouts, usually annually. Gang Shows exist worldwide and originated in the UK.

A traditional Jamboree Campsite entrance way erected by Scouts, the more colourful and larger the better

Gilwell Neckerchief
A neckerchief issued to Leaders who complete advanced Leader Training (see also 'McLaren Tartan')

Gilwell Scout Group
All adult leaders who complete their leader training [Woodbadge] become members of the 1st Gilwell Scout Group in the UK. This was the first Scout Group founded by BP

Gilwell Reunion
An annual gathering of Leaders who have completed their Woodbadge Training

Gilwell Woggle
A leather woggle (in a Turks Head style) made of a thin strip of leather. Signifies part completion of Adult Leader Training

'Group Leader', person who is the manager of a Scout Group

Going Up
Common term for the process of moving from one section to another due to age

Gone Home
When a Scouting Brother or Sister has died they are said to have 'Gone Home', symbolised by a circle with a dot in the centre

Common term for some form of long or good service award

Good Turn
A daily act of kindness traditionally performed by all Scouts without thought of reward, intended to be a regular part of being a Scout

Grand Howl
The opening ceremony for Cub Scout Packs, taken from the Jungle Book

Green Book
Scout Record of Achievement Book, details all accomplishments

Green Cord
A part of the Scout Award Scheme that involves achieving the Adventurer Badge and six other proficiency badges along with 3 Patrol Activity Badges

Grey Wolf Award
Highest award which can be achieved by Cub Scouts.

Grid Lines
An international mapping grid system that allows any point on earth to be reduced to a 6 figure series of numbers

Grid References
A means of pinpointing the position of a place shown on a map. Usually 6 figure references are used

The core management sub-grouping in Scouting, usually made up of Joeys, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Venturers

Group Camp
A camp for all sections of a particular Group, usually with a family flavour

Group Committee
A support committee run by each Scout Group made up of parent volunteers under the direction of the Group Leader; also known as a Parent Committee [see Group Leader]

Group Council
The gathering of all Leaders in a Group, under the direction of the Group Leader, to make decisions and debate matters

A youth organistation for females, similar to Scouts in structure. Guides Australia is not a part of Scouts Australia but the two organisations share a common history

Guy Line
A rope used to peg out the sides of a tent

A rope used in boating.

A large grey elephant from the Jungle Book. The name is occassionally used as a Scouting name for Cub Scout Leaders

Hay Box
A cooking technique involving slow cooking using stored heat

The 'Joey Scout HOP' is the formal opening ceremony used by the Joey Scout Section of Scouts Australia; HOP stands for: 'Help Other People' [see also Joey Scouts]

A gathering of a large number of Joey Scouts to have fun and do activities; similar to a Jamboree but on a much smaller scale and generally only with a state focus

A process of introducing a person to a new position, process or task

A ceremony in which a person (youth member or adult) joins the World Scout Movement

A gathering of a large number of Scouts (10,000 to 50,000) to share fellowship and do activities

Joey Scout Leader

Joey Scout Motto
Help Other People'; also know as 'The HOP' [see also Joey Scouts]

Joey Scouts
Scouts aged 6 to 8 yrs

Joint Activity
A term used to describe activities undertaken by different Sections together ie: Cub Scouts and Scouts together for a sleep over etc

'Jamboree of the Air'

'Jamboree of the Internet'

Jungle Book
A fictional book about a boy in the Jungle who is raised by wolves. This story is the basis for the theme of the Cub Scout Section [see also Rudyard Kipling]

A rock python from the Jungle Book. The name is used as a Scouting name for Cub Scout Leaders

A piece of rope that may be used as a decoration on a uniform or to secure a whistle

A knot designed to tie two pieces of timber or two poles together. Commonly used to build rafts or bridges

Leadership Course
A specific course of leadership for Scouts/Venturers as a part of their award schemes. Required for a Scout to achieve the Australian Scout Medallion

Left Handshake
A symbolic Scouting gesture of greeting Baden Powell adopted from African Zulu warriors

Line Leader
Term for a Scout Leader who works exclusively with Youth Members

Link Badge
A specific badge for assisting individuals to transfer up to the next age section

The process of moving from one Scouting section to the next due to age change

Lone Scouts
Scouts who live where are no Scout Groups, common in remote locations across Australia

Magnetic Variation
The difference between 'true' north and magnetic north as displayed by a compass, varies from year to year and is detailed at the bottom of topographic maps

A monthly gathering of all District Scout Leaders to discuss planning and pass information down from the District Scout Leader

The title given to a group of Joey Scouts within a Scout Group

A gathering of Rovers for the purpose of fellowship and activities. Very similar to a Jamboree, but smaller [see Jamboree]

Name of a character from the Jungle Book, used in Cub Scouting

National Presidents Award
An award given to a person for long and distinguished commitment to Scouting. Someone who has made a significant and long lasting impact on Scouting.

An Australian slang term for a scarf

Program Advisor; a leader who provides advise and guidance in the delivery of Section (Joey/Cub/Scout/Venturer as per their specialisation) Programs within a District.

The title given to a group of Cub Scouts within a Scout Group

Pack Council
The management and decision making body of the Cub Scout Pack, made up of Adult Leaders and Sixers

Parent Helper
A parent supporter who is not a formal member of the organisation

Parent's Committee
A support committee run by each Scout Group made up of parent volunteers under the direction of the Group Leader; also known as a Group Committee

A small sub-group of the Scout Troop, run by a Patrol Leader [see Patrol Leader]

Patrol Activity
An activity undertaken by a Patrol under the guidance of a Patrol Leader. Part of the Scouts Australia Award Scheme

Patrol Boat
A 16 foot open 'cutter' style sailing/rowing boat in current use by Sea Scouts

Patrol Box
Container, usually wooden or steel, in which a Scout Patrol stores and carries cooking and kitchen implements

Patrol Den
A specific space sometimes built into Scout Halls, for each Patrol to call their own. Not common in modern Scout Halls due to space and cost demands

Patrol Leader
A senior Scout who is place in charge of a small sub-group of the Scout Troop. This position is identified by two horizontal white bars on the chest pocket

Patrol Method
The concept of dividing groups of young people into smaller sub groups, called Patrols. A concept pioneered by Baden Powell and used to this day

Patrol Tent
A large tent, traditionally canvas, used to house a Patrol of 6-8 members [see Patrol]

Phoentic Alphabet
An alphabet used to spell letters in place of just saying the letter itself. By using a word for each letter there is less chance that the person listening will confuse letters.

Pinewood Derby
An activity for  Cub Scouts that involves the building and racing of billy carts and model cars on a track or raceway.

The base level part of the Australian Scout section award scheme signified by the colour red

Pioneering Poles
A set of straight poles, ususally pine, used by Scouts to construct bridges, flagpoles etc

[Patrol Leader]

Personal Leader Advisor, an experienced Leader who assists with a new Leader's training and development

Policy Organisation and Rules', formerly used by Scouts Australia, now superseded by other documents

Police Scouter
A sub-branch of Scouting made up of adult leaders who are or were Police Officers

Proficiency Badges
A series of award badges for Scout Section covering 31 different skill sets or activities

A documented and detailed overview of a Section's planned schedule for a term or a camp

Quarter Master - The person responsible for storage and management of a Scout Groups equipment [see also QM]

Quarter Masters Store - Storage and equipment management facility for a Scout Groups equipment

Queen's Scout
The highest Scouting Achievement for a youth member of Scouts Australia. The Queen's Scout Award is authorised under Royal Warrant.

The 'she-wolf' from the Jungle Book that was the mother to Mowgli [see also Jungle Book]

Recognition of Current Competency - Relates to assessment of Scouts Australia Leaders under the VET arrangements [see also VET Sector]

Reef Knot
A knot used to tie together two ropes of equal thickness; a common Scouting symbol and one used in conjuction with the Fleur de Leis [See Fleur de Leis]

A Sea Scout event run yearly, that involves competition in rowing, sailing and other seamanship skills. Can be attended by non-Sea Scout Groups

Water Activities centre owned by Scouts Australia SA Branch, near Blanchetown on the River Murray, about 90 minutes drive from Adelaide

Rover Moot
A gathering of Rovers every three or so years, similar to a Jamboree. May be held in any part of the World

Recognised Prior Learning - A term found in relation to Vocational Education and Training in which a candidate proves previously established competencies

Rudyard Kipling
(1865-1936) Author of 'The Jungle Book' on which the Cub Scout Section theme is based

The triangular scarf that is traditionally worn around the neck by Scouts [see also Neckie]

A term used to describe a member of the Scout Section (aged 11-15 yrs). Also a common collective term for all persons in Scouting

 Scoutcraft Badge
The first badge to be earnt by new members of the Scout Troop. This badge encompasses basic Scouting skills

Scout Law
A series of about 10 simple 'laws' by which a Scout is said to live. Whilst universal in nature the Scout Law in some countries varies. For details see the Fullarton Scout Group 'Links Page'

Scout Name
A name generally given to an Adult Leader for use by youth members. Most common in the Cub Scout Pack where the names follow characters of the Jungle Book.

Scout Salute
The three fingered salute which is done with the little finger tucked under the thumb, devised by Baden Powell in the early days of the movement and still used worldwide

Scout Shouts
A stage show put on by Scouts in South Australia on a yearly basis

Scouts Own
A short gathering of Scouts to reflect and possibly to undertake 'duty to their god'.

Scout Promise
On my honour, I promise to do my best to do my duty to my God and to Australia, to help other people and keep the Scout Law' (note: optional words 'to the Queen of Australia')

Australian term for a mix of easily digested and quick to eat foodstuffs used in hiking. Generally made up of chocolate, nuts and dried fruits [see also Gorp]Sea Base

Sea Scouts
A sub-branch of Scouts Australia that focuses on water activities. Generally run with a nautical theme.

Sea Scout Campsite based at Outer Harbour in South Australia. This location is currently closed, awaiting redevelopment during 2005

A senior Cub Scout who second in charge of a small sub-group of the Cub Scout Pack. This position is identified by one horizontal gold bar on the chest pocket [see also 'Sixer']

A term used to generally describe all sub-program areas of Scouting across the age groupings

A monthly gathering of all District Cub Scout Leaders to discuss planning and pass information down from the District Cub Scout Leader [see DCSL]

Seeonee Hills
Bunkhouse style campsite near Woodhouse in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia [see Woodhouse]

Shakedown Camp
A preparation camp held in the lead-up to a Jamboree to ensure all equipment and personnel are correct and familiar with one another [see Jamboree]

Silver Arrowhead
A Long Service Merit Award given to Leaders for sustained service of high order

Silver Emu
A Long Service Merit Award given to Leaders for sustained service of high order

Silver Kangaroo
A Long Service Merit Award given to Leaders for sustained service of high order

Silver Koala
A Long Service Merit Award given to Leaders for sustained service of high order

Silver Wattle
A Long Service Merit Award given to Leaders for sustained service of high order

Silver Wolf
The highest earned award for a Cub Scout in Scouts Australia. This award will be introduced in 2005 to replace the Yellow Cord

A small sub-group of the Cub Scout Pack. Similar in make up and design to a Scout Patrol (from where the concept is borrowed) [see Patrol]

A senior Cub Scout who is place in charge of a small sub-group of the Cub Scout Pack. This position is identified by two horizontal gold bars on the chest pocket

A short stage act put on by Scouts, usually in front of a campfire for the amusement of others. Generally accepted to be no longer than about 2 minutes

Scout Leader - General term for the person in charge of a Scout Troop. Other terminology for this person is Troop Leader

An overnight event usually at a Scout Hall during which the Troop, Pack or Unit apparently sleeps at the hall.

Quaterly publication of Scouts Australia SA Branch

A sub-unit of a larger campsite. Common usage of this term is in relation to Jamborees

Monthly gathering of District Scout Leaders to communicate information/policy etc. [see District Scout Leader]

Super Splash
Yearly event conducted for Venturers

A strip on material with the name of a Group. Region or State worn on the uniform

Training Team
A group of leaders assigned by the State Branch to conduct Adult Leader Training for Scouts Australia

A brand of lightweight cooking set, made of aluminium, that uses methylated spirits for fuel. Commonly in use with Scouts and Venturers for light weight hiking

The title given to a group of Scouts within a Scout Group

Troop Council
The management and decision making body of the Scout Troop, made up of Adult Leaders and Patrol Leaders [see Patrol Leader]

The title given to a group of Venturers within a Scout Group

Unit Chair
The head of the Unit Council of the Venturer Unit [see Venturers]

Unit Council
The management and decision making body of the Venturer Unit

A gathering of Venturers for the purpose of fellowship and activities. Very similar to a Jamboree, but smaller [see Jamboree]

Venturer Award
An award of the Venturer Section. The Venturer Award is the half-way point in the journey to the Queens Scout Award

Venturer Den
A space put aside in a Scout Hall, generally for the exclusive use of Venturers, to decorate and furnish as they wish

Sub-Program of Scouts Australia for persons aged 14 to 18 yr

A monthly meeting of all Joey Leaders in a Scouting District, chaired by the District Joey Leader [see also Joeys & District]

A person appointed to care for or manage a Scouting property

A document formerly issued by Scouts Australia that authorised an Adult Leader to hold a specified position in Scouting

Wide Game
A game played by a large number of people outside. May be team or competitive based and is often played at night

Device used to hold a neckerchief around the neck. May be made of any material and may have various markings. [see also Gilwell Woggle & Slide]

The Wolf remains the universal symbol of Cub Scouts around the world [see also Wolf Cubs]

Wolf Cubs
The forerunner of what is now known as 'Cub Scouts'

Adult Leader Qualification, common across the globe.

Wood Beads
Set of two (or more) wooden beads worn by Leaders who have completed their Woodbadge Training. The beads are worn on a thin leather thong around the neck

Scouts Australia (SA Branch) Campsite located in the Adelaide Hills

World Jamboree
The major Jamboree for the entire Scouting World, held every four years in different countries

World Organisation of the Scout Movement'

World Scout Badge
The Fleur de Lys badge, white on a purple background, worn on the uniform of all Scouts worldwide (note: the NZ version alone has a black background) [see Fleur de Luis]

World Scout Day
International Day for Scouting

Youth Advisory Council - A selected Group of Youth Members of Scouting who provide consultative input into Senior Executive deliberations within Scouts Australia {thanks to 1st Beaumont Scout Group}

A story traditonally told around a campfire by Leaders or Senior Scouts in order to impart a lesson or some wisdom. Baden Powell specifically wrote of yarns for Scouts as an important tool

Yellow Book
Cub Scout Record of Achievement Book, details all accomplishments

Abbreviation for 'Yours in Scouting' - commonly used by Scouting people to end letters and/or e-mails to other Scouts; known to be used globally